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Indoor Tanning Tanning Beds

Where the Sun Doesn’t Reach


What is Indoor Tanning or use of a tanning bed?

Indoor tanning is simply an alternative way of getting your body tanned without exposing yourself to

direct sunlight. Recently, this method of tanning has gathered immense popularity as more than 10% of

Americans visit an indoor tanning bed facility each year.


Is it Safe? 

Exposing your skin to any form of light does run its risks. Although indoor tanning can be harmful, the

overall dangers associated with it fall pale in comparison to the regular sunlight tanning. Usually people

use indoor tanning as a quick fix while others just do it for the experience.


How to Get a Good Indoor Tan 

First off, you need to get an exfoliating scrub. Use it to exfoliate the

area that you want to tan daily for at least a week preceding an indoor tanning session. This will remove

dead cells from the surface of the skin which will make the tanning session more effective.


Note that you need to get special indoor lotions for this purpose as they are created to augment

the effects of a tanning session on an indoor bed. In addition, indoor tanners do not harm the

tanning bed as well. We will teach you how to get the best indoor lotions in a while.


During the Session 

Since you have to lie patiently in a tanning bed, try to keep yourself awake. This may be hard, but

remember that unless you shift your body at regular intervals, your body will not have an even tan

which will ultimately spoil the whole purpose. Occasionally lift your arms as well to tan your underarms.


Once the session is complete, moisturize yourself once again. This will help

you to retain the tan for a long time.


The Best Indoor Tanning Products 

To get an indoor tanning cream that is right for you, some things need to be determined, such as:


• Your skin color (fair, light, medium, olive, dark, or deep)

• How much tan your require

• How much are you willing to spend


These factors may not look important but they can help you save your time and money while you find

the best indoor tan product. Online shopping will greatly benefit here as you can enter in all the

specifics, including your desired tan shade and get all the possible results in no time.


In addition, the product will be delivered to your doorstep which only makes the words “indoor tanning”

fit perfectly!


Once these factors are determined, you can choose your preferred tan lotion from a variety that



• Tanning bed lotions

• Moisturizing lotions

• Sunblock lotions

• Sunless lotions

• Bronzing lotions

• Lotion towels


Some people prefer trying different brands before settling on one. While this may be a good choice,

you may get your hands on substandard products that will harm your skin and ruin the tan. Make an

informed decision after doing thorough research. Once again, you can resort to the internet to read

what others have to say about a particular indoor tan product.


Additional Tips for Indoor Tanning Beds 


If you are taking a session for the first time, inquire with the salon staff about the whole procedure,

especially the duration. If you are pale-skinned, the first session will last for about 7-8 minutes.


Most importantly, close your eyes when you are in the bed. Preferably use eye protection that is placed

on all indoor tanning beds.


By following these guidelines and the best indoor tan lotions, you get the perfect tan before hitting

the beach!


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